The topic chosen for the 2021 CAFx Summer School is sustainable, inclusive and non-discriminatory architectural solutions in an urban, residential or rural environment.
Following the Summer School, CAFx is launching a global short film competition, focusing on the UN 'Leave No One Behind' agenda (LNOB), with the task of documenting inclusive and non-discriminatory design solutions in the participants' immediate environment. The competition will result in a mosaic of films lasting maximum 3 minutes each.
The LNOB represents a framework to tackle forms of discrimination that persists in the design of the built environment, indoors, outdoors, public and private. This includes discrimination against socially, physically or mentally vulnerable or challenged groups based on gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, limited mobility or income.
The film competition kicks off globally with the Summer School in July 2021, and with the broadcast of an open call later this year. All films produced during the Summer School can be submitted to the competition, which will run into 2023.
The Summer School offers lessons in filmmaking and inclusive design as well as professional sparring on one's film. The course is open to anyone interested in the intersection between film and architecture.
During the Summer School x 2021, participants met up to eight times for online feed back sessions. Participants were introduced to sessions of lectures and tutoring in smaller groups and for online courses with different tutors.
Every participant worked individually and each realized one short film within the five weeks. These were premiered at the end of the course on 6th of August.
This year, Summer School tutors were architects and researchers Masahi Kajita, Sofie Stilling, Anna Ulrikke Andersen and Nina Bacun / Oaze; film makers Eva Mulvad, Boris Bertram and Johann Lurf; curators and spatial practitioners s.o.f.t. agency and fem_arc.
A selection of films: