Film & Architecture workshop on socially inclusive design solutions

Tirana 2023: Leave No One Behind

Since 2016, CAFx has been hosting summer schools and workshops focusing on the connections between film and architecture. As a festival, we offer a platform to investigate film as an artistic, educational, and explorative tool within design, architecture, and urban planning.

For this workshop CAFx partnered up with BARLETI University to organize a one-week film & architecture workshop in Tirana, Albania focusing on filmmaking and socially inclusive design. All the films are featured in the Film Mosaic 2023 as part of an open-source online platform for inclusive design solutions that will be disseminated across the world.


The Leave No One Behind agenda (LNOB) is the central, transforming promise in the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It represents the unequivocal commitment of all UN Member States to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that undermine the potential of humans and other living beings.

Discrimination persists in the design of the built and planned environment, indoors, outdoors, public and private. This includes discrimination against socially, physically or mentally vulnerable or challenged groups based on gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, limited mobility or income.

This workshop aimed at developing short films documenting solutions to spatial discrimination, creating an understanding of the diversity of the reality in which the LNOB agenda must be resolved, and generating new knowledge and insight about sustainable and inclusive public spaces, residential areas, buildings, building materials, infrastructures, and other urban practices that promote the fight against inequality.

The workshop was part of CAFx' contribution to the European architecture platform LINA which is co-funded by European Union.

Below is a selection of films produced during the workshop.

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