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Corona Essays

The Corona Curtains

Proposing a simple system to subdivide guest areas without the heavy impact that a 1.5 metre distance would have.

March 4, 2021
in collaboration with

The „shutdown“ is a nightmare for any restaurant, biergarten, bar and comparable facilites that are depending on people meeting each other. Once the strict shutdown will end, however, the problem of social distancing is likely to persist. Groups of guests will have to keep a safe distance of at least 1.5 metres between each other. To guarantee this, fewer people can be seated, causing heavy financial losses in the long run. This will affect smaller und less expensive restaurants more than fine dining where larger distances between tables have been chic before.

We thus propose a simple system to subdivide the guest area without the heavy impact that a 1.5 metre distance would have. An easy system that can be used anywhere – inside or outside, in restaurants, bars and biergartens. A system that guarantees a safe contact between people while adding aesthetic appeal to the situation.

The basic structure is a powder coated circular steel frame with three pillars and curtains. The height is adjustable so that two elements can be combined for a larger table or room, allowing for more flexiblity.

The curtains made from ocean plastic and textile are transparent from an height of 1.5 metres. When sitting a feeling of cosiness is given anywhere in the room without taking away the sensation of spaciousness. When standing up, the whole place and other guests can be seen. This is important, because the main goal is not privacy, but safety. The corona curtains keep the virus from coming in or out, but they do not block views and contacts, so that people do not suffer isolation more than necessary.

Opening the curtains will be the main feature in post-corona time.

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