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Film and Architecture Workshop Tirana: Leave No One Behind

Learn about inclusive design and produce your own film in Albania's growing capital city!

November 10, 2022
in collaboration with

Copenhagen Architecture Festival and BARLETI University have partnered up to organize a one-week film & architecture workshop focusing on filmmaking and socially inclusive design.

• WHEN: 22-28 January 2023

• WHERE: BARLETI University Campus, Tirana, Albania

• FREE of costs

• APPLICATION: Forward your application consisting of a motivation letter / short biography (max 1 page) + CV / a brief portfolio no later than 28th of November 2022  to We will select participants and get back with a reply by 9th December.


The Leave No One Behind agenda (LNOB) is the central, transforming promise in the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It represents the unequivocal commitment of all UN Member States to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that undermine the potential of humans and other living beings.

Discrimination persists in the design of the built and planned environment, indoors, outdoors, public and private. This includes discrimination against socially, physically or mentally vulnerable or challenged groups based on gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, limited mobility or income.

Much of the action taken to contrast discrimination happens on a small urban scale, through simple designs that are mindful of the needs of all users, human and non-human, and help combat the discrimination of minority communities and of more vulnerable individuals. Which spaces allow marginalized groups to feel included in urban life? Which inventive designs allow underprivileged individuals to survive the injustices of the city? Which architectural interventions make the city more safe, healthy and liveable for all?

This workshop aims at developing short films documenting solutions to spatial discrimination, creating an understanding of the diversity of the reality in which the LNOB agenda must be resolved, and generating new knowledge and insight about sustainable and inclusive public spaces, residential areas, buildings, building materials, infrastructures, and other urban practices that promote the fight against inequality.


During the one-week program, through lectures, group exercises and guided explorations of Tirana, you will learn about the potential of architecture and design to further the LNOB agenda, and apply this knowledge to create your own short film documenting or addressing non-discriminatory design solutions found in the built, grown and/or planned environment of the Albanian capital city.

After developing the concept for your film in the first sessions with the guidance of international guest lectures, you will explore the process of filmmaking, gaining concrete knowledge about organizing, filming and editing your work, as well as creating a relevant, dramaturgically well-functioning story. Professional filmmakers and editors will instruct you and assist you in the production of a maximum 3-minute-long film.

All the films produced during the workshop will be premiered on the final day of the week and will enter the Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind global short film competition, becoming part of an open-source online platform for inclusive design solutions that will be disseminated across the world.
The best films will be screened at Copenhagen Architecture Festival x 2023, at the UIA2023CPH World Congress, at Copenhagen World Capital of Architecture 2023, and beyond. 


The course is open to anyone interested in the intersection of film and architecture - students and professionals alike, with a background in a relevant field of film, visual arts, photography, architecture, design, urban planning, anthropology, ethnology, social sciences and humanities.
Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of film production.

If you have any questions, please forward them to

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

The workshop is part of CAFx' contribution to the European architecture platform LINA's Architecture Program and is co-funded by European Union.

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