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Keeping the Relay Alive

Koozarch’s take on the 2023 International Manifesto Relay, a project by CAFx expanding to the scale of the UIA debate.

June 22, 2023
in collaboration with

A stampede full of strength, energy, ideas to spread, experiments to propose and actions to take. The chief editor at Koozarch Enrique Aureng Silva invites us to imagine an Olympic Stadium: the 45 spatial researchers and practitioners with manifestos in their hands, on the six lanes of the UIA track Sustainable futures - Leave no one behind: Climate Adaptation, Rethinking Resources, Resilient Communities, Health, Inclusivity, and Partnerships for Change.

The Manifesto Relay reflects the architectural commitment to confront the ecological and sociopolitical crisis, forming radical visions to change the built environment and designing a new glossary to describe new ideas. Striving to strengthen collective awareness, the first worldwide edition pushes the boundaries of the profession and builds up a fundamental platform for continuous critical discourse.

Read the full article by Enrique Aureng Silva on Koozarch to learn more about the Manifesto Relay project by CAFx and its target to reach the larger public realm in response to the UIA 2023 World Congress in Copenhagen, complemented by a critical review of some selected manifestos.  

This article was written in the context of the forthcoming International Manifesto Relay debate, taking place on July 4 at the UIA 2023 Congress.

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