Archived Event
11 Jun

Trivial Matters V: DUST with an introductory lecture by Jussi Parikka

The fifth chapter in a film & lecture-series with media theorist and curator Jussi Parikka on the political theory of dust and its relation to architecture.

(DA)     Støv finder vej overalt og lægger sig på hver en overflade. Det overføres til luften via skorstene og trænger ind i hver en regndråbe. Det bekæmpes og ryddes væk som i en uendelig livsopgave. I denne dokumentarfilm undersøger Hartmut Bitomsky støvets mange former, og forfølger støvets vej til de steder, hvor den møder det mennesker, der kæmper mod det: rengøringsmænd og -kvinder, støvsugerproducenter, husmødre og museumsmedarbejdere. Vi følger botanikere, kunsterne, biologer, filosofier, meteorologer og astronomer, som alle arbejder med forskellige miljø- og sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser af støv. Ved nøje at undersøge et emne, der omgiver os i vores daglige liv, men som vi sjældent er seriøst opmærksomme på, giver Dust os en ny forståelse af de mange måder, hvorpå støv påvirker kroppen, miljøet og kloden.

Filmen introduceres af den finske medieteoretiker og kurator Jussi Parikka, der vil fremlægge hans forskning i relationen mellem støv, medier og arkitektur. Arrangementet er en del af programmet Trivial Matters, der undersøger arkitektoniske materialers æstetik, politik og metafysik. Læs mere om programmet på

Dust / Hartmut Bitomsky / 2007 / Tyskland / Tysk med engelske undertekster / 90'

(EN)     'DUST' is the fifth chapter in a film-and-lecture-series focusing on the metaphysics, politics, and aesthetics of architecture-related materials. Join media theorist and curator Jussi Parikka as he explores the political theory of dust and its relation to architecture, following a screening of Hartmut Bitomsky's renowned documentary 'DUST'.

Dust / Hartmut Bitomsky / 2007 / Germany / German with English subtitles / 90'

Films in the 'Trivial Matters' programme:

Trivial Matters I: CLAY
with an introductory lecture by Amalie Smith


The first chapter of a film-and-lecture-series exploring the metaphysical, political, and aesthetic dimensions of architectural materials. Immerse yourself in Mani Kaul's iconic documentary, 'The Mind of Clay', followed by a lecture by Amalie Smith on her artistic exploration of clay theories.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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Trivial Matters II: LIGHT
with an introduction by Carlo Volf

Experience a stunning artistic exploration of light, resonance and visual perception with three algorithm-based works by Austrian artist Rainer Kohlberger.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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Trivial Matters III: FOLDS


Everything that develops and changes in nature is folded: mountains, blossoms, brains. Join us for an exploration into the architecture, biology, cosmology, and metaphysics of origami with François-Xavier Vives' 'The Origami Code'.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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Trivial Matters IV: WASTE
with an introductory lecture by Sandra Bartoli


Join us for the fourth instalment of a film-and-lecture-series on the metaphysics, politics, and aesthetics of architecture-related materials, featuring Agnès Varda's documentary The Gleaners and I and a talk by architect Sandra Bartoli on the intricate history of waste management practices.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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June 11, 2023
June 11, 2023 7:00 PM
Trivial Matters V: DUST with an introductory lecture by Jussi Parikka
The fifth chapter in a film & lecture-series with media theorist and curator Jussi Parikka on the political theory of dust and its relation to architecture.
Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen
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