Film & Debate

Trivial Matters III: FOLDS [CANCELLED]

An exploration into the architecture, biology, cosmology, and metaphysics of origami with François-Xavier Vives' 'The Origami Code'.

Everything that develops and changes in nature is folded: mountains, blossoms, the brain. Life is an unending series of folding and unfolding. It’s the most economical and efficient process in the natural world.

And it is not only design. Folding determines also function. Today researchers in robotics, medicine, biology, nanotechnologies, are embracing this “origami philosophy”. They are looking at how materials and molecules wrinkle, drape, flex and crease, refining origami techniques, and trying better to understand and duplicate nature’s universal folding principles.

The Origami Code explores this silent deciphering and mastering of a completely new dimension of reality. The film explores how the ancient art of folding paper has entered the cutting-edge domains of research and now could lead the way to the ultimate stage in bionics.

Un monde en plis: Le code origami / François-Xavier Vives / 2015 / France / French and English with English subtitles / 51'

Films in the 'Trivial Matters' programme:

Trivial Matters I: CLAY
with an introductory lecture by Amalie Smith


The first chapter of a film-and-lecture-series exploring the metaphysical, political, and aesthetic dimensions of architectural materials. Immerse yourself in Mani Kaul's iconic documentary, 'The Mind of Clay', followed by a lecture by Amalie Smith on her artistic exploration of clay theories.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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Trivial Matters II: LIGHT
with an introduction by Carlo Volf

Experience a stunning artistic exploration of light, resonance and visual perception with three algorithm-based works by Austrian artist Rainer Kohlberger.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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Trivial Matters IV: WASTE
with an introductory lecture by Sandra Bartoli


Join us for the fourth instalment of a film-and-lecture-series on the metaphysics, politics, and aesthetics of architecture-related materials, featuring Agnès Varda's documentary The Gleaners and I and a talk by architect Sandra Bartoli on the intricate history of waste management practices.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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Trivial Matters V: DUST
with an introductory lecture by Jussi Parikka


The fifth chapter in a film & lecture-series with media theorist and curator Jussi Parikka on the political theory of dust and its relation to architecture.

100 kr / 70 kr (reduced price for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket)

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