Archived Event
11 Jun

The City will Eat Itself!

Join us in a conversation to address questions of urban resilience. Through the lens of food and waste systems, we explore how they influence our daily experiences and affect our collective future.

In this discussion we challenge two basic precepts of urban planning that underpin the dichotomy between city and countryside - one as a site of consumption, the other as a site for industrialized food production - yet we are concealed from the waste in both places.

To address questions of urban resilience, we bring together insightful thought leaders of different scales to take part in a 2-part series of discussions to investigate how our food and waste systems influence our daily experiences and affect our collective future.

This event marks the launch of a series of discussions hosted by CAFx, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects and Roskilde Festival, in partnership with BloxHub, where we share insights from our recent publication to offer value propositions of future potential aimed towards cultural and political change in urban food systems.


Part 1: The Self-Sufficient City

SHL explores the city as a resource organism, the history of cities and their relationship with food and resources. How might we better understand the extractive relationship between cities and countryside, and how could we redress it to create self-sufficiency and regeneration?

Part 2: ‘What is Waste’

SHL examines the circular economy from a food and nutrient perspective. A study published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation revealed that cities only return 2% of the nutrients they extract from agriculture to the countryside. How might we reverse these trends by redefining the potentials and opportunities in ‘waste’?

Moderated and hosted by:
Enlai Hooi, Head of Innovation, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

With contributing guests:

- Camilla van Deurs, Kobenhavns, Kommune Stadsarkitekt Klima og Byudvikling
- Sophia Schuff, Anthropologist and Director, Gehl Architects
- Aleksander Nowak, Urban Food Systems Research Leader, Dark Matter Labs
- Mette Jørgensen, Program Coordinator, Bioøkonomisk Vækstcenter Guldborgsund

Join a full day program in Jernbanebyen:

12.00-14.00: The City will Eat Itself! (EN)

To address questions of urban resilience, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects brings together insightful thought leaders of different scales to take part in a 2-part series of discussions to investigate how our food and waste systems influence our daily experiences and affect our collective future. The event is free with registration.

14.15-15.00: Ecologise the Political! (DA)

At this seminar we will examine the dramatic changes in the physical and social fabric of Copenhagen over the last 30-40 years, and what we can learn from them. We will also consider whether values, problems, and methods have changed since the development of Ørestad and Nordhavn, as the new city plan of Jernbanebyen is being cast as a new showcase of ‘sustainable urbanism’ both socially and environmentally.

To shed light on these issues, we have invited two prominent figures in Copenhagen’s urban (re)development, Jens Kramer and Dan Stubbergaard, who will share their experiences and address the question of how to promote an eco-political framework within the field of urban planning. The event is free with registration.

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15.00-19.00: Picnic in Jernbanebyen

Participate in Vesterbro Lokaludvalg's edition of Copenhagen Picnic with longtable dinner and activities for all ages.

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June 11, 2023
June 11, 2023 12:00 PM
The City will Eat Itself!
Join us in a conversation to address questions of urban resilience. Through the lens of food and waste systems, we explore how they influence our daily experiences and affect our collective future.
Spor 10
Vasbygade 10, 2450 Copenhagen
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