Vær med til en samtale om, hvordan vi kan genskabe fødevareproduktionen og redesigne vores byer og samfund mere holistisk med lokal fødevareproduktion i tankerne.
MAD. Det former vores daglige liv, det former strukturen i vores byer, og det forbinder til over 25 % af de globale CO2-udledninger. At ændre klodens fødevaresystemer er at ændre måden, hvorpå vi bebor kloden.
Danmark skiller sig ud som Europas mest dyrkede nation, hvor landbruget dækker cirka 60 procent af landets samlede areal. Tre fjerdedele af denne dyrkede jord er dedikeret til husdyrfoderproduktion, hvilket kun efterlader sparsomme 4 procent afsat til direkte dyrkning af fødevareafgrøder til konsumere.
Vær med til en samtale om, hvordan vi kan genskabe fødevareproduktionen og redesigne vores byer og samfund mere holistisk med lokal fødevareproduktion i tankerne.
16:30: Velkommen CAFx [ENG]
16.35: Introduktion til film af Manuel Correa og Marina Otero Verzier (online/zoom) [ENG]
16:50: Film - PRODUCTION EPISODE / Biological Agent (25' 06'') [ENG]
Episode two / Production — Biological Agent
Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa
Although our cities occupy only a tiny fraction of the Earth’s crust, the operational landscapes required to sustain them sprawl across vast expanses of land. In Spain for instance, more than 23 million hectares—nearly half of the country’s surface area—is used for this purpose. This chapter turns the spotlight on the agricultural landscapes that feed our cities, and the architectures and dynamics that enable them to function. Within these productive geographies, a complex interplay of bodies—territorial, human, animal, and machinic—occurs, each body playing its part in a multifaceted, interscalar dance. It is against this backdrop that land colonisation converges with urgent issues, such as animal instrumentalisation and the exploitation of migrant labour.
17:15-18:00: Samtale [ENG]
FOOD. It shapes our daily lives, molds the structure of our cities, and connects to over 25% of global CO2 emissions. Transforming the world's food systems means transforming the ways of inhabiting the world.
Denmark stands out as Europe's most intensively cultivated nation, where agriculture blankets approximately 60 percent of the country's total area. Three-quarters of this cultivated land is dedicated to fodder production for livestock, leaving only a scant 4 percent allocated for directly cultivating food crops for human consumption.
Join us for a conversation on how to reimagine food production and redesign our cities and communities holistically, with local food production in mind.
16:30: Welcome CAFx [ENG]
16.35: Introduction to the film of Manuel Correa and Marina Otero Verzier (online/zoom) [ENG]
16:50: Film - PRODUCTION EPISODE / Biological Agent (25' 06'') [ENG]
Episode two / Production — Biological Agent
Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa
Although our cities occupy only a tiny fraction of the Earth’s crust, the operational landscapes required to sustain them sprawl across vast expanses of land. In Spain for instance, more than 23 million hectares—nearly half of the country’s surface area—is used for this purpose. This chapter turns the spotlight on the agricultural landscapes that feed our cities, and the architectures and dynamics that enable them to function. Within these productive geographies, a complex interplay of bodies—territorial, human, animal, and machinic—occurs, each body playing its part in a multifaceted, interscalar dance. It is against this backdrop that land colonisation converges with urgent issues, such as animal instrumentalisation and the exploitation of migrant labour.
17:15-18:00: Conversation [ENG]
The event is part of the FOODSCAPES event program.
Tickets: 30 kr. or free for CAFx Community members
02/03 19:15-21:15
'Landet' with Jacob Kirkegaard and Alexander Holm
06/03 16:30-18:30
FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimetres beneath your feet'
13/03 16:30-18:30
PRODUCTION: 'Their plastic skins wrap around the bodies'
EPISODE TWO: Biological Agent by Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa
20/03 16:30-18:30
DISTRIBUTION: 'Route from the sun'
EPISODE THREE: Cold Route by Gerard Ortín Castellví + Pol Esteve Castelló
09/04 17:45-21:00
CONSUMPTION: 'Where cultural exchanges take place
EPISODE FOUR: Chop, Chop, Chop by MAIO (María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner) + Agnes Essonti Luque
11/04 19:15-21:15
Fremtidens Fødevaresystem: Kortfilm og Samtale
17/03 20:00-22:00
Film Screening and Talk: Food Inc. 2, organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX
EPISODE FIVE: Ca.Ca. (Cannibal Carnival) by Elii (Uriel Fogué, Carlos Palacios, Eva Gil) + María Jerez
17/04 17:45-21:00
DIGESTION: 'Invisible yet omnipresent'