Milking machine, poultry farm, combine harvester, agrarian techno. Join us at Cinemateket and listen in as Jacob Kirkegaard and Alexander Holm accompany us to the countryside.
The internationally acclaimed composer Jacob Kirkegaard spent a year and a half capturing the recordings for his sound piece 'LANDET', which included visits to a pig, cattle, and chicken farm, as well as the large slaughterhouse Danish Crown. The result is a sonic portrait of mechanised agriculture, offering an immersive journey into foreign soundscapes of hypnotic rhythms and endless pulsations.
This special event is organised by the Copenhagen Architecture Festival in collaboration with Cinemateket.
Composer Jacob Kirkegaard and specialist in nature conservation and communication Alexander Holm introduce the sound work.
The introduction is in Danish and lasts approx. 30 minutes.
Ticket price: DKK 105, DKK 75 for Cinemateket's and CAFx Community's members
Denne særlige lyttebiograf er arrangeret af Copenhagen Architecture Festival i samarbejde med Cinemateket.
Komponist Jacob Kirkegaard og naturformidler Alexander Holm introducerer lydværket.
Introduktionen er på dansk og varer i alt ca. 30 minutter.
Billetpris: 105 kr., dog 75 kr. for Cinematekets og CAFx Community medlemmer
Om værket:
Komponist: Jacob Kirkegaard
Den internationalt prisbelønnede komponist Jakob Kirkegaard har foretaget optagelserne til lydværket ’LANDET’ over halvandet år, bl.a. på en svine-, kvæg- og kyllingefarm, men også på storslagteriet Danish Crown. Det er blevet til et lydportræt af det mekaniserede landbrug og en invitation ind i et fremmedartet klangunivers af endeløs pulseren og hypnotiserende hamren.
Danmark 2023
60 min.
Dansk tale. Tilladt for børn over 15 år
Medvirkende ikke anført
02/03 19:15-21:15
'Landet' with Jacob Kirkegaard and Alexander Holm
06/03 16:30-18:30
FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimetres beneath your feet'
13/03 16:30-18:30
PRODUCTION: 'Their plastic skins wrap around the bodies'
EPISODE TWO: Biological Agent by Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa
20/03 16:30-18:30
DISTRIBUTION: 'Route from the sun'
EPISODE THREE: Cold Route by Gerard Ortín Castellví + Pol Esteve Castelló
09/04 17:45-21:00
CONSUMPTION: 'Where cultural exchanges take place
EPISODE FOUR: Chop, Chop, Chop by MAIO (María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner) + Agnes Essonti Luque
11/04 19:15-21:15
Fremtidens Fødevaresystem: Kortfilm og Samtale
17/03 20:00-22:00
Film Screening and Talk: Food Inc. 2, organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX
EPISODE FIVE: Ca.Ca. (Cannibal Carnival) by Elii (Uriel Fogué, Carlos Palacios, Eva Gil) + María Jerez
17/04 17:45-21:00
DIGESTION: 'Invisible yet omnipresent'