Archived Event
6 Mar

FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimeters beneath your feet'

Deltag i en samtale centreret omkring jord- og arealforvaltning i Danmark.


JORD. Hjemsted for mere end en fjerdedel af den biologiske mangfoldighed på jorden, planetens største vandfilter og et af de vigtigste naturlige systemer for kulstoflagring. Sund jord betyder sunde økosystemer og et godt grundlag for frugtbare fødevaresystemer.

Regenerativt landbrug er blevet beskrevet som en landbrugsrevolution, der har løftet om en storslået vending af tendensen til jordudtømning og en væsentlig stigning i kulstofbinding.

Deltag i en samtale centreret omkring jord- og arealforvaltning i Danmark, hvor vi udforsker byerne, landskaber og regenerativ arealanvendelse, og spørger, hvordan vi kan løse de presserende problemer med klimakollaps og masseudryddelse, mens vi prioriterer næringsrig og bæredygtige fødevaresystemer.

Flyt din opmærksomhed et par centimeter under dine fødder!


16:30: Velkommen CAFx

16:35: Introduktion til film af Grandeza Studio og Locument (online/zoom) [ENG]

16:50: Film - FOUNDATION EPISODE / Strata Incognita (16' 30'') [ENG]
Episode one / FOUNDATION — Strata Incognita
GRANDEZA STUDIO (Amaia Sánchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol) + LOCUMENT (Romea Muryń, Francisco Lobo)
As diverse as any rainforest or coral reef, we depend on the soil for 99% of our food. Yet, despite its importance, its mechanisms remain largely mysterious and poorly understood. The final episode focuses on soil as the primordial infrastructure underpinning both agriculture and architecture. The soil beneath our feet constitutes the very foundation of our food systems; a complex ecology of microscopic processes and assemblings that mediates the chemical transformation of the geosphere into the biosphere, and to which we owe the richness and diversity of our pantries. The microscopic narratives emerging in this veiled realm are macroscopic in scale and scope, and studying them may be the key to achieving a more resilient, more distributed, more diverse, and more sustainable food system than we have ever known.

17:10-18:00: Samtale [DK]

  • Anna Sofie Hvid,  Rural Agency 
  • Nanna Thomsen, Andelsgaarde
  • Søren Ejlersen, Stifter af blandt andet Fælleshaven & Aarstiderne

    Moderator: Marie Sainabou Jeng, Stifter og programdirektør af Madland


SOIL. Home to more than a quarter of the biological diversity on earth, the planet's largest water filter and one of the most important natural carbon storage systems. Healthy soil means healthy ecosystems and a good foundation for fertile food systems.

Regenerative agriculture has been described as an agricultural revolution, holding the promise of a grand reversal of the trend toward soil depletion and a substantial increase in carbon sequestration.

Join us for a conversation centred around soil and land management in Denmark as we explore the entanglements of cities, landscapes and regenerative land-use, and ask how we can address the pressing issues of climate collapse and mass extinction while prioritizing nutritious and secure food systems.

Channel your awareness just a few centimetres beneath your feet.


16:30: Welcome CAFx

16:35: Introduction to the film of Grandeza Studio and Locument (online/zoom) [ENG]

16:50: Film - FOUNDATION EPISODE / Strata Incognita (16' 30'') [ENG]
Episode one / FOUNDATION — Strata Incognita
GRANDEZA STUDIO (Amaia Sánchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol) + LOCUMENT (Romea Muryń, Francisco Lobo)
As diverse as any rainforest or coral reef, we depend on the soil for 99% of our food. Yet, despite its importance, its mechanisms remain largely mysterious and poorly understood. The final episode focuses on soil as the primordial infrastructure underpinning both agriculture and architecture. The soil beneath our feet constitutes the very foundation of our food systems; a complex ecology of microscopic processes and assemblings that mediates the chemical transformation of the geosphere into the biosphere, and to which we owe the richness and diversity of our pantries. The microscopic narratives emerging in this veiled realm are macroscopic in scale and scope, and studying them may be the key to achieving a more resilient, more distributed, more diverse, and more sustainable food system than we have ever known.

17:10-18:00: Conversation [DK]

  • Anna Sofie Hvid,  Rural Agency 
  • Nanna Thomsen, Andelsgaarde
  • Søren Ejlersen, Founder of, among others, Fælleshaven & Aarstiderne

    Moderator: Marie Sainabou Jeng, Founder and Program Director of Madland

The event is part of the FOODSCAPES event program.

Tickets: 30 kr. or free for CAFx Community members

FOODSCAPES Public Program:

Offline Events and Online Cinema:


02/03 19:15-21:15
'Landet' with Jacob Kirkegaard and Alexander Holm

06/03 16:30-18:30
FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimetres beneath your feet'

EPISODE ONE: Strata Incognita by GRANDEZA STUDIO (Amaia Sánchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol) + LOCUMENT (Romea Muryń, Francisco Lobo)


13/03 16:30-18:30
PRODUCTION: 'Their plastic skins wrap around the bodies'

EPISODE TWO: Biological Agent by Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa


20/03 16:30-18:30
DISTRIBUTION: 'Route from the sun'

EPISODE THREE: Cold Route by Gerard Ortín Castellví + Pol Esteve Castelló 


09/04 17:45-21:00
CONSUMPTION: 'Where cultural exchanges take place

EPISODE FOUR: Chop, Chop, Chop by MAIO (María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner) + Agnes Essonti Luque

11/04 19:15-21:15
Fremtidens Fødevaresystem: Kortfilm og Samtale


17/03 20:00-22:00
Film Screening and Talk: Food Inc. 2, organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX

EPISODE FIVE: Ca.Ca. (Cannibal Carnival) by Elii (Uriel Fogué, Carlos Palacios, Eva Gil) + María Jerez

17/04 17:45-21:00
DIGESTION: 'Invisible yet omnipresent'

Event Details
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March 6, 2024
March 6, 2024 4:30 PM
FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimeters beneath your feet'
Deltag i en samtale centreret omkring jord- og arealforvaltning i Danmark.
CAFx Copenhagen Architecture Forum
Halmtorvet 27, 1700 Copenhagen V
English and Danish
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