9 Apr

CONSUMPTION: 'Where cultural exchanges take place'

Kom med til en talk om mad af direktør i Sct. Hans Have Tina Unger.


TALLERKENEN. Se på den. Ved Du, hvad du spiser? Og ville du mon spise anderledes, hvis du var tættere knyttet til mulden, hvor maden blev produceret?

At være opmærksom er at muliggøre forandring.

Kom med til en talk om mad af direktør i Sct. Hans  Have Tina Unger. Om hvad der sker, når byliv sammenfiltres med sit nære opland. Tina er inspireret af en 100 år gammel bevægelse udviklet af byplanlæggeren Ebenezer Howard – the Garden City Movement, der tog det bedste fra landet og byen på én gang. Med en høj grad af selvforsyning og afgrøder - og næringsstoffer, der cirkulerede lokalt fra land til by og tilbage igen. Tankerne er gamle, men stadig top-relevante og Tina inviterer hele Absalon til et kig ud på landet – med udgangspunkt i tallerkenen.

Kom forbi Absalon til fællesmiddag med film, byutopisamtale og madquiz:


18:00: Velkommen CAFx [DK]

18:05: Film - CONSUMPTION EPISODE / Chop, Chop, Chop (6' 13'') [ENG]
Episode four / Consumption — Chop, Chop, Chop
MAIO (María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner) + Agnes Essonti Luque
Our kitchens are battlefields. Far more than a space for cooking and preparing meals, they are sites of profound political significance where our social realities are constructed. Here, we witness the normalization of gender roles, domestic labor, family structures, and even architectural typologies. Yet, if we are to rethink these domestic laboratories, we can unlock their potential as tools for constructing alternative imaginaries and forging new models of community building and collectivity. This chapter delves into the power of the kitchen as a site for political and social transformation and how their redefinition can challenge established norms and hierarchies, creating more just and equitable social and ecological structures in the process.

18:15: Middag 

19:30: Talk af Tina Unger, direktør i Sct. Hans Have om mad, byliv, livgivende sammenfiltringer og the Garden City Movement. [DK]

20:00: Mad quiz [DK]

The event is part of the FOODSCAPES event program.

Tickets: 100 kr.

FOODSCAPES Public Program:

Offline Events and Online Cinema:


02/03 19:15-21:15
'Landet' with Jacob Kirkegaard and Alexander Holm

06/03 16:30-18:30
FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimetres beneath your feet'

EPISODE ONE: Strata Incognita by GRANDEZA STUDIO (Amaia Sánchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol) + LOCUMENT (Romea Muryń, Francisco Lobo)


13/03 16:30-18:30
PRODUCTION: 'Their plastic skins wrap around the bodies'

EPISODE TWO: Biological Agent by Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa


20/03 16:30-18:30
DISTRIBUTION: 'Route from the sun'

EPISODE THREE: Cold Route by Gerard Ortín Castellví + Pol Esteve Castelló 


09/04 17:45-21:00
CONSUMPTION: 'Where cultural exchanges take place

EPISODE FOUR: Chop, Chop, Chop by MAIO (María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner) + Agnes Essonti Luque

11/04 19:15-21:15
Fremtidens Fødevaresystem: Kortfilm og Samtale


17/03 20:00-22:00
Film Screening and Talk: Food Inc. 2, organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX

EPISODE FIVE: Ca.Ca. (Cannibal Carnival) by Elii (Uriel Fogué, Carlos Palacios, Eva Gil) + María Jerez

17/04 17:45-21:00
DIGESTION: 'Invisible yet omnipresent'

Event Details
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Folkehuset Absalon
Sønder Blvd. 73, 1720 København

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