Experience works by architecture photographer Jens Markus Lindhe at Prospekt Exhibition Space for Architecture and Photography.
(EN) Disappearing over time is the title of the exhibtion with work by the architecture photographer Jens Markus Lindhe in cooperation with Prospekt Exhibtion Space for Architecture and Photography. The protection of old buildings or the lack of the same is one of the topics taken up by the artist. A well-known building in the Copenhagen Zoo, the elephant house build 1914 disappeared 2017 and now only exists in Jens Markus Lindhes pictures. A villa from the same period has just been saved and renovated and photographs of this are juxtaposed with the first series.
Another part of the exhibition is made up by Jens Markus Lindhe's first photographic work. Educated an architect Lindhe got his first commisions as a photographer for the magazine Skala. With 30 editions from 1985 to 1994 this magazine on nordic architecture and art gives a unique view on the trends and visions from this period. Jens Markus Lindhes b/w pictures from Copenhagen shows a very different city!
As an architecture photographer Jens Markus Lindhe has contributed to a large number of books as well as been the preferred photographer for the biggest danish architecture offices. 'Disapperaing Over Time' shows other aspects of the artists work.
Join the exhibition opening at Prospekt on 25 May from 15.00-19.00 with a talk by the architect Kjeld Vindum on the creation of the magazine 'Skala'.
The exhibition is running until 18 June.
(DA) Den danske fotograf og arkitekt Jens Markus Lindhe udstiller aktuelle værker og arbejder fra sit arkiv om erindringen om den forsvundne by og bevaringen af byen og bygninger.
Bliver væk over tid er titlen på en udstilling, med og af arkitekturfotograf Jens Markus Lindhe i samarbejde med Prospekt udstillingssted for arkitektur og fotografi. Bliver væk over tid beskæftiger sig med erindringen om og bevaringen af bygninger og by. Både bevarede og forsvundne dele af byen og deres liv og efterliv i fotografiet bliver belyst i denne udstilling.
'Bliver væk over tid' sætter desuden fokus på tidsskriftet Skala for nordisk arkitektur, som udkom 1985-1994. Heri udkom nogle af Jens Markus Lindhes tidlige arbejder.
Kom til udstillingsåbning d. 25. maj fra 15.00-19.00 hvor der er talk med arkitekten Kjeld Vindum om skabelsen af magasinet 'Skala'.
Udstillingen kan opleves frem til d. 18. juni. Se åbningstider på Prospekts hjemmeside.