Archived Event
11 Apr

The food systems of the future: Short films and conversation with Sophia Schuff from Gehl

Automated sensor farming, data-driven greenhouses and futuristic food robots. Join us at the cinema and learn about the challenges and opportunities linked to the food systems of the future.

Award-winning director Gerard Ortín Castellví creates artistic short films about our globalised food systems: Automated sensor agriculture, data-driven greenhouses and futuristic food robots. During the day, tulip bulbs, chrysanthemum stems, and tomatoes are processed fleetingly and efficiently, but at night, the machinery stops and the greenhouse is transformed into a dream-like chamber where plants, animals and machines form new entanglements.

Two short films by Gerard Ortín Castellvís will form the starting point for discussing the challenges and opportunities linked to future food systems.

Prior the screening Sophia Schuff*, Director, Urban Anthropologist, and Lead of Gehl’s EMEA team, will do a lecture about Gehl's project Foodscapes — 'By examining the role of the built environment and community in shaping a neighborhood’s foodscape, Gehl supported clients in creating actionable solutions to improve access to healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate food for vulnerable groups and in disinvested communities.'

Event organised in collaboration with Cinemateket. The introduction and conversation last approx. 30 minutes.

Ticket price: 105 kr., 75 kr. for Cinematekets and CAFx Community members

About the films:

Director: Gerard Ortín Castellví
Spain, Great Britain 2022
21 min.

Director: Gerard Ortín Castellví
Spain 2023
13 min.

*Olivia Flynn, a key member of Gehl's team will step in for Sophia Schuff, who, unfortunately, could not join us today.

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April 11, 2024
April 11, 2024 4:45 PM
The food systems of the future: Short films and conversation with Sophia Schuff from Gehl
Automated sensor farming, data-driven greenhouses and futuristic food robots. Join us at the cinema and learn about the challenges and opportunities linked to the food systems of the future.
Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen
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