Film & Debate

The Aquatic Surreal: En stumfilmskoncert med Felia Gram-Hanssen

Til denne særvisning får Jean Painlevés zoologiske surrealisme nyt liv med et musikalsk live-akkompagnement af Felia Gram-Hanssen, kunstner og trommeslager i den danske eksperimentalrocktrio Thulebasen.

Still From The Octopus

Før Jacques-Yves Cousteau var der Jean Painlevé, en banebrydende fransk naturfilmskaber og ekspert i undervandsfauna med et surrealistisk blik. Med et godt øje for det mystiske og uventede fangede Painlevé og hans assistent Geneviève Hamon en drømmeagtig blæksprutte, metamorfe krebsdyr, erotiske søheste, mytiske vampyrflagermus og umættelige rovdyrinsekter. Det blev til mere end to hundrede filmstudier af de langt-mere-end-menneskelige dyr og deres forundrende livsverdener. Det bliver en eftermiddag om den kunstneriske omfavnelse af naturens fremmedartethed og dens kuriøse ufattelighed. 

The Octopus / Jean Painlevé / 1927 / France / Silent film / 13'

Sea Urchins / Jean Painlevé / 1928 / France / Silent film / 10'

Daphnia / Jean Painlevé / 1928 / France / Silent film / 9'

Coastal Imaginaries event-series

Exhibition Opening, Book Launch, and Record Release: Coastal Imaginaries – Currents from Venice to Copenhagen (DA/EN)

Meet the people behind the exhibition 'Coastal Imaginaries', publication 'Critical Coast' and record 'Mermaid Bay' and toast to a more intimate coastal acquaintance.

Free - just show up
CAFx Halmtorvet 27

Det underliggende landskab: Vesterbro strandenge og oversvømmede fremtider (DA)

Hvordan sikrer vi bydelen i forhold til et ændret klima med havvandstigninger og hyppigere oversvømmelser? Og hvordan skal vi leve med vandet på Vesterbro i fremtiden? Kom forbi Halmtorvet 27 og tag del i diskussionen.

30 kr / Gratis for CAFx Community-medlemmer
CAFx Halmtorvet 27

Nature based solution in practice: Learning from Køge Bay (EN)

The event is a debate on nature-based solutions and coastal landscapes, taking its point of departure in the project The Beach Park in Køge Bay. Discover how this remarkable project from 1980 serves as a thriving recreational landscape while also supporting biodiversity, bird life, and various habitats.

30 kr / Free for CAFx Community members
CAFx Halmtorvet 27


A film program developed by Art Hub Copenhagen and CAFx. The modern, static, and linear frameworks of geography are disrupted, giving way to a world of impermanence, immanence, and interconnectivity, emphasising the role of the ocean in shaping, and destabilising our perspectives and theories of the world.

Life With Water I: Over og under vandet (DA/EN)

The first chapter of a short film event series exploring water systems, aqueous landscapes, and wet infrastructures, curated and introduced by Jacob Lillemose.

100 kr. / 70 kr.

Life With Water II: Vandets musik (DA/EN)

The second chapter of a short film events series exploring water systems, aqueous landscapes, and wet infrastructures, curated and introduced by Jacob Lillemose.

100 kr. / 70 kr.

Terrestrial Bias (EN)

Through dreamlike sequences and hauntingly beautiful imagery, Helena Whitman’s drift invites us to surrender to the ebb and flow of the sea and to find new modes of being in its timeless rhythms. Experience a lecture/film event that explores how the sea subverts our solid, stable spatial and temporal orientation, and how architecture can adopt spatiotemporal schemes from the oceanic realm.

Drift / Helena Wittmann / 2017 / Germany / German with english subtitles / 98'

100 kr. / 70 kr.

Containerization of Space with an introductory lecture by Alexander Klose (EN)

Explore the intricate constellation of oil, container logistics, and coastal zones with Allan Sekula's acclaimed work, The Forgotten Space, and an introductory lecture by the Berlin-based cultural theorist Alexander Klose.

The Forgotten Space / Noël Burch and Allan Sekula / 2010 / Germany / English with english subtitles / 112'

100 kr. / 70 kr.

Blue Diversity (EN)

Copenhagen Architecture Festival and the Mies Pavilion in Barcelona are holding a parallel screening of John Huston's Moby Dick, accompanied by discussions on the current status of blue biodiversity.

Moby Dick / John Huston / 1956 / United States / English with english subtitles / 116'

100 kr. / 70 kr.

Event Highlights
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