CAFx og Art Hub Copenhagen inviterer indenfor til en aften i transformationens tegn sammen med Pihlmann Architects.
The event is in both English and Danish. Scroll down for English version.
Under Kulturnatten fortæller Pihlmann Architects om den radikale transformation af CAFx og Art Hubs lokaler fra bank til kontor- og udstillingslokaler: Et kroneksempel på, hvordan yngre arkitekter tilgår klimaforandringer og økonomiske kriser ved at genbruge den eksisterende bygningsmasse frem for at bygge nyt. Du kan også opleve udstillingen Make Do with Now om unge japanske arkitekter, der forholder sig direkte til globale udfordringer, samt se en film om Art Hub og Bikubenfondens kommende hovedkvarter i Nordvest, som du helt ekstraordinært også kan besøge virtuelt.
Udstillingen Make Do With Now introducerer en ny generation af japanske arkitekter og byplanlæggere født mellem midten af 1970'erne og midten af 1990'erne. De fleste af de udstillede arkitekter begyndte deres professionelle løbebane efter det store jordskælv i det østlige Japan i 2011 og Fukushima-atomulykken. Det er en generation, der må forholde sig til en række akutte udfordringer, som landet står overfor, herunder en dalende og aldrende befolkning, en affolkning af landdistrikterne, udbredelsen af tomme huse i hele landet, profitdrevet byudvikling, primært uden arkitekters involvering, en stagnerende økonomi og selvfølgelig den globale klimakrise.
I stedet for at resignere vælger mange af denne generations arkitekter at konfrontere disse udfordringer ligepå, og udvikler en række kritiske, økologiske og sociale praksisser, der kreativt "klarer sig" med det forhåndenværende: Med begrænsede ressourcer, med fundne materialer eller med eksisterende rum. I modsætning til de strømlinede og minimalistiske rum, man ofte forbinder med japansk arkitektur, er disse arkitekter karakteriseret af en markant anderledes æstetik og etik, der ikke er bange for at lade tingene stå rå og ufærdige frem. Uanset om de arbejder fra periferien, udnytter huller i systemet eller indtager nye roller i processen, udtrykker disse praktikere en ny arkitektonisk handlekraft, der adskiller sig radikalt fra det traditionelle billede af arkitekten som ‘starchitect’.
Med denne version af Make Do With Now perspektiverer CAFx disse udfordringer og tilgange til en dansk kontekst og undersøger fællestræk og forskelle mellem japanske og danske arkitektoniske eksperimenterende praksisser.
Ved at introducere nye japanske praksisser i en dansk sammenhæng præsenteres både legende tilgange og nyttige værktøjer, der kan inspirere den nye 'generation transformation' og udvide vores opfattelse af værdisætning og kreativitet inden for det byggede miljø.
Adgang til arrangementet kræver Kulturpas til Kulturnatten, som kan købes gennem billetlinket her på siden.
CAFx and Art Hub Copenhagen invite you inside for an evening on transformation and renovation.
Pihlmann Architects presents the radical transformation of CAFx and Art Hub's premises from a bank to an office- and exhibition space: a prime example of how younger architects face climate changes and economic crisis by reusing the existing building stock rather than building anew. You can also see the exhibition Make Do with Now, featuring young Japanese architects from a 'renovation generation' who respond directly to global challenges, and watch a film about Art Hub's new space, which you for this occasion can visit virtually, too.
Make Do With Now introduces the thinking and projects of a new generation of architects and urban practitioners working in Japan today. Born between the mid-1970s and mid-1990s, the architects featured in the exhibition largely entered professional practice following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster. This is a generation that must grapple with a range of urgent problems currently facing the country, including a declining, graying population and an emptying countryside; the proliferation of vacant houses across the nation; profit-driven urban development, mostly without the involvement of architects; a stagnant economy; and, of course, the global climate crisis.
Instead of being humbled into resignation, however, many architects of this cohort are choosing to confront these challenges head-on. Turning their marginalized position into a strength, they are developing a range of critical, ecological, and social practices that creatively “make do” – with limited resources, with found materials, or with existing spaces. In contrast to the clean lines and minimalist spaces most recently associated with contemporary Japanese architecture, these projects pursue a decidedly different aesthetic politics that isn’t afraid to leave things rough around the edges. Whether working from the periphery, exploiting gaps in the system, or occupying roles in the process that have previously been overlooked, these practitioners are articulating a new architectural agency that radically departs from the traditional image of the architect-author.
With the re-staging of Make Do With Now, CAFx situates these challenges and approaches into a Danish context and seeks out common features between the Japanese and Danish architectural landscapes and the experimental practices that emerge from them.
By introducing emerging Japanese practices into a Danish context we present both playful approaches and useful tools to inspire the emerging ‘renovation generation’ and broaden the perception of value and creativity within the built environment.
Access for the event requires a 'Culture Pass' for Copenhagen Culture Night, which can be acquired through the ticket link on this page.
'Make Do With Now' Event Programme:
6 October 16–19:
Exhibition Opening: Make Do with Now – Meet the Curators and Drinks
CAFx invites you to the opening of the exhibition Make Do with Now: New Directions in Japanese Architecture with drinks and introductions by the curators from Swiss Architecture Museum.
13 October 18–00
Kulturnatten: Generation Transformation
An evening of transformation with Pihlmann Architects.
25 October 16–17
Renovation 2.0: Site visit to Ørsteds Haver with LOKAL
Join the architectural office LOKAL for a site visit to their prize-winning renovation of the façade of Ørsteds Haver in Frederiksberg, taking the renovation of a 1960s 'eyesore' building to a new level.
26 October 16.30–18.30
Japanese Architecture between Tradition and Transformation
How does the ‘Generation Renovation’ of younger Japanese offices relate to the traditions and history of Japanese architecture?
2 November 16.30–18.30
Salon Transformation: New Values of a New Generation in Danish Architecture
Join us for an exploration of how younger Danish architects make do with now, transforming and renovating the existing structures rather than making grand gestures from scratch.
16 November 16.30–18.30
Architectural potentials in a resource perspective - Panum & Kappel studio visit and lecture
The young architectural office Panum & Kappel invites you to a studio visit at their Vesterbro-based office, where they will tell about their circular construction principles, showing models of radical transformation experiments exhibited at Utzon Centre's recent Super Danish exhibition.