Archived Event
17 Mar

‍Film Screening and Talk: 'Food Inc. 2', organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX

Turbo chickens, plant-based steaks and a pandemic. A lot has happened since the first 'Food Inc.' film, and it's time for a fresh in-depth look at the food industry and at possible solutions.


Organic food is taking up more and more space on supermarket shelves and local vegetable markets are popping up in more and more neighbourhoods. But there are also more and more people on the planet, and 15 years after the Oscar-nominated mega hit ‘Food Inc.’, it turns out that the modern food industry still needs a thorough overhaul. This is exactly what we get here, and you don’t need to have seen the first film to understand just what an incredible impact agriculture and the food industry has not only on what we eat, but on the world around us. Directing duo Melissa Robledo and Robert Kenner uncover everything from monopolisation, lobbying and the logic of capitalism to what exactly happens in your brain when you eat a McDonald’s burger. But they also look at possible solutions and what the kitchen of the future might look like.


English Title: Food Inc. 2
Original Title: Food Inc. 2
Directors: Melissa Robledo & Robert Kenner
Year: 2023
Country: USA
Language: English
Runtime: 1hr 34m


March 17th, at 20:00, Pressen, Politiken Hus


Join us as we delve into the food industry and debate food systems, climate and food justice - and the relationship between country and city.

Meet Madland founder, Marie Jeng, farmer and director of the circular and organic small-scale farm Hegnsholt, Johanne Schimming, and political leader of Alternativet, Franciska Rosenkilde, as we examine our relationship with all the food we grow, buy and consume, and explore what the food systems of the future could look like instead.

The conversation will be moderated by consumer journalist at Politiken, Mette Guldagger.

Presented in collaboration with Madland and CPH:DOX.

Language: Danish

Members of CAFx Community get 20% discount with a discount code — Send an email to us if you didn't receive it!

The event is part of the FOODSCAPES event program.


Turbokyllinger, plantebøffer og en pandemi. Der er sket meget siden den første ‘Food Inc.’-film, og det er tid til et kritisk, dybdegående eftersyn af fødevareindustrien - og til at se på mulige løsninger. Opfølgeren til det 15 år gamle kæmpehit leverer varen.

Økologiske madvarer fylder mere og mere på supermarkedshylderne, og lokale grøntsagsmarkeder dukker op i flere og flere nabolag. Men vi bliver også flere og flere mennesker på planeten, og 15 år efter det Oscar-nominerede filmhit ’Food Inc.’ viser det sig, at den moderne fødevareindustri stadig trænger til et grundigt eftersyn. Det får vi her, og man behøver ikke at have set den første film for at blive uendeligt meget klogere på hvor ubegribeligt stor indflydelse, landbruget og fødevarebranchen har ikke blot på hvad vi spiser, men på hele verden omkring os. Instruktørparret Melissa Robledo og Robert Kenner afdækker alt fra monopolisering, lobbyisme og kapitalismens logik, til hvad der helt præcis sker i din hjerne, når du spiser en burger fra McDonald’s. Men de ser også på mulige løsninger og på, hvordan fremtidens køkken kan komme til at se ud.


Engelsk Titel: Food Inc. 2
Original Titel: Food Inc. 2
Instruktører: Melissa Robledo & Robert Kenner
År: 2023
Land: USA
Sprog: Engelsk
Spilletid: 1t 34m


17. marts, 20:00, Pressen, Politiken Hus


Vær med, når vi dykker ned i fødevareindustrien og debatterer madsystemer, klima og retfærdig mad - og forholdet mellem land og by.

Mød stifter af Madland, Marie Jeng, landmand og direktør for det cirkulære og økologiske småskalalandbrug Hegnsholt, Johanne Schimming, og politisk leder af Alternativet, Franciska Rosenkilde, når vi undersøger vores forhold til al den mad, vi dyrker, køber og indtager, og undersøger, hvordan fremtidens madsystemer i stedet kunne se ud.

Samtalen modereres af forbrugerjournalist ved Politiken, Mette Guldagger.

Præsenteres i samarbejde med Madland og CPH:DOX.

Sprog: Dansk

Medlemmer af CAFx Community får 20% rabat på denne visning ved brug af rabatkode — Send en mail til os!

Food Inc. 2 vises som en del af et større offentligt program, der sætter fokus på fremtidens fødevaresystemer.

FOODSCAPES Public Program:

Offline Events and Online Cinema:


02/03 19:15-21:15
'Landet' with Jacob Kirkegaard and Alexander Holm

06/03 16:30-18:30
FOUNDATION: 'Just a few centimetres beneath your feet'

EPISODE ONE: Strata Incognita by GRANDEZA STUDIO (Amaia Sánchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol) + LOCUMENT (Romea Muryń, Francisco Lobo)


13/03 16:30-18:30
PRODUCTION: 'Their plastic skins wrap around the bodies'

EPISODE TWO: Biological Agent by Marina Otero Verzier + Manuel Correa


20/03 16:30-18:30
DISTRIBUTION: 'Route from the sun'

EPISODE THREE: Cold Route by Gerard Ortín Castellví + Pol Esteve Castelló 


09/04 17:45-21:00
CONSUMPTION: 'Where cultural exchanges take place

EPISODE FOUR: Chop, Chop, Chop by MAIO (María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida, Guillermo López, Anna Puigjaner) + Agnes Essonti Luque

11/04 19:15-21:15
Fremtidens Fødevaresystem: Kortfilm og Samtale


17/03 20:00-22:00
Film Screening and Talk: Food Inc. 2, organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX

EPISODE FIVE: Ca.Ca. (Cannibal Carnival) by Elii (Uriel Fogué, Carlos Palacios, Eva Gil) + María Jerez

17/04 17:45-21:00
DIGESTION: 'Invisible yet omnipresent'

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March 17, 2024
March 17, 2024 8:00 PM
‍Film Screening and Talk: 'Food Inc. 2', organised in collaboration with CPH:DOX
Turbo chickens, plant-based steaks and a pandemic. A lot has happened since the first 'Food Inc.' film, and it's time for a fresh in-depth look at the food industry and at possible solutions.
Pressen, Politikens Hus
Rådhuspladsen 37, 1785 Copenhagen
English and Danish
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